Friday, April 17, 2009

Basic Up-Date!!

Hello There Beautiful People,

Let's see...I have been very busy getting myself in shape and enjoying everything about my new life; it has been incredible. I feel so strong with a nice pack of muscles back in my body, biking, weights , playing music/singing and yes a bit of climbing.
I'm currently taking a break (by default) as I dislocated my ankle while doing the latter mentioned; believe it or not in my 16 plus years of climbing I had never injured myself. I thought about it a bit and Oh well shit happens! No, but seriously, my small injury was caused by a combination of 2 things:

-Being so pumped about life and feeling the power of my body slowly surging up; I mean off the couch I was doing V3 and V4 ( easy but not so easy) and finally just about 2 weeks ago sending my first V6(hard but not too hard). This was a great accomplishment so I pushed a little harder.

-Being a little fooled by my own stubbornness and wanting to keep getting stronger I lacked the judgment to say to myself keep steady. Regardless it could have happened to anyone and its a great lesson to be learned.

At this point the ankle is looking good and I will be back on my feet by next week. PT again is on my list and this is something I'm very familiar with, and I'm very consistent so do not worry. As my dear abuela "Chena" used to say..."Just another stripe for this Tiger".

I will continue writing my chapters once I'm back at full swing but I wanted to let you know a bit of what I have been up to.

This month April 28Th I will be showing my short film "Full Lung Capacity" and doing a bit of a talk about my life post transplant. This is a series of presentations sponsored by The E campaign as part of the Coalition of Organ Donation Exponents’ (CODE) Organ Donation Awareness Lunch Seminars. I will encourage everyone to join the UCSF campaign for Life – a campus campaign to encourage the entire UCSF community to register to become organ donors.Here's a couple of articles.

I stopped doing my art for a minute but will get back into it ASAP as I may have some incredible opportunities coming my way....more to come here!!! Music wise I started to do some work with my friend Melissa Hutchison who will be backing me up on vocals in a few cafe shows I will be booking this summer. So stay put and come to celebrate; she's got some beautiful pipes!!

My family is doing great, Heather as usual always so supportive and just my rock for that woman. Kaya just turned six and boy she's a handful...but nothing that I cannot handle. I'm currently the assistant coach for her soccer team "The Cherry Bombs" and we are having a blast.

Please stay in touch and follow up with me. Love to read your comments and love to know what are you up to as well. A new chapter for "Catching my Breath " is in the works.

Much love!
