Friday, September 26, 2008


Dear love ones,

I hope you understand; I'm still putting everything in perspective and letting all that just has happen settle in my head. I will let you in pretty soon so hang in there. For one thing the thought of being able to joying my family with my new physical state its so exiting I won't lie and selfishly so its the first thing in my mind and the first thing I want to do. I can't wait to see Kaya and for her to see that papa is not using oxygen anymore; her words on my episode one video stuck with me through out the entire process and hyper fueled my willingness to stay strong and to put on my full metal jacket everyday. I have missed her so much and of course to be able to salsa dance with my beautiful wife Heather again; something she loves so much and that now I'll make sure we do every day.

The next year is going to be critical for my full recovery. Theres a lot ahead but I'm prepare for the task and I'll have my brother Juan as my care giver living with me for the next 6 weeks; I'm so exited for this as he has been such a rock as well and of course all of you whom constantly keep me on your minds and when the moment came blasted the positive wave of energy that carried me through........please don't stop I'll need to surf in it for a while!

OK I'm being release today and I will have a plan for seeing people soon, please e-mail me at and will give you an update on a blast. I won the belt on this fight and now as a good champ I need to defend my right to keep it. Bring it on!

Breathing deeper everyday.

One love, Rowan

1 comment:

Al Liu said...

Go Rowan! Right on! Thanks for posting. Look forward to seeing you soon - if there's anything you need, you know we're right there behind you.